AHC Nov. 1996
Arthur Hall Collection of Elizabeth Roberts gift of over 4,344 35mm slides

1 March 2009 technical notes: In 1997 I numbered this collection of slides in the order in which they were received and divided them into a group of slides that related to the film being proposed on the history of the AADE and a group that related to Elizabeth's cats and family. Arthur was not happy that I had done so. Eventually, these slides will be reintegrated to their original order, but I have begun (late February - early March 2009) to digitize the slides as they are now arranged:

The following list of slides in numerical order includes present location (C1-P1), any notes or dates present on the slide, and any additional identification of subject as it may be known. Note that Mama Liz is more interested in subject than in chronological order. As of this date, these files represent all 618 slides in C1 through P1.

Complete Elizabeth Roberts Gifts of 1996